"Artificial Intelligence: Understanding the Technology and Its Implications"a

AI (Artificial Intelligence)

AI is a broad term that describes any technology that exhibits the capacity for autonomous reasoning. It was coined in 1955 by John McCarthy, an American computer scientist who also helped establish the field of AI research. The term was first used in print by Stuart C. Shapiro in 1965 to describe this new field of computer science and engineering. Since then, AI has become one of the most widely studied topics in computer science, with thousands of papers published each year.


"Artificial Intelligence: Understanding the Technology and Its Implications"a
"Artificial Intelligence: Understanding the Technology and Its Implications"a

Machine learning

Machine learning is a subfield of artificial intelligence (AI) that focuses on building algorithms that allow computers to learn from data without being explicitly programmed. Machine learning algorithms are designed to improve with experience, but they are not necessarily better than humans at solving problems or making decisions under uncertainty. Many machine learning techniques can be viewed as variations on programming algorithms through example data sets known as training sets: Each member of the training set is represented as a set of inputs and target outputs ("features") that are recorded when it's solved successfully. The algorithm then attempts to find a mathematical function (a "model") that matches those features when presented new inputs; it repeats this process until changing its model.


Neural networks

A neural network is a computing system modeled after the brain and nervous system. Neural networks consist of many simple, highly interconnected processing elements (called neurons) working in unison to solve.



Automation is the process of using machines to complete a task. In the context of artificial intelligence, it refers to using a computer program to complete tedious or complex tasks that would normally require human intervention. For example, if you wanted to create a robot that could play chess, you would need to teach it how each piece moves. This is an extremely tedious task but can be automated by feeding the computer thousands of examples of games. The computer then creates its own rules based on these examples and can use them to play against itself or other humans.



Robotics is an area of artificial intelligence focused on developing machines that are capable of moving and acting autonomously. There are many different types of robots including humanoid robots (which look like humans), industrial robots (which perform repetitive tasks) and service robots (such as vacuum cleaners). Robots have been used in manufacturing for decades but are now being introduced into everyday life more commonly thanks to recent advancements in technology such as smaller motors and sensors.


Natural language processing

Natural language processing (NLP) refers to systems that are capable of understanding human language with minimal human input required during training time or execution time.


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