For the rich only 4 most expensive cars in the world

For the rich only 4 most expensive cars in the world


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I present to you the 4 most expensive cars of 2021


Cars are one of the things that concer many people, there are many people in different countries of the world who care about cars a lot, and they constantly follow the latest types and prices, some of them want to buy modern ones, and replace their old car with another, and some of them like racing cars to subscribe It is in car racing, and there is another category that likes to follow car news and talk prices.

For the rich only 4 most expensive cars in the world
For the rich only 4 most expensive cars in the world



In this regard, “Al-Watan” reviews, in light of the daily services it provides to its followers, the prices of the most expensive cars for the year 2021, according to the speech of Tariq Adel, an automobile expert to Al-Watan, as follows:

1- Bugatti Divo


"Adel" explained, during his speech to "Al-Watan", that the version and the most expensive model in the world for the year 2021 is Bugatti Divo, and that model is classified as the most expensive in the world, given that it has an engine power of 1479 thousand horsepower, which makes the price of that The car amounts to 5.5 million dollars, and the manufacturer also announced that only 40 cars will be made, to be put up for sale.

Gordon Murray Automotive T.50-2

This car is ranked second among the most expensive cars in the world, as it has unique advantages over other cars, and the power of its engine is significantly high, which reaches 3900 cc, and it also has a sporty design, which makes it the best in car racing, and reaches The price of the 2021 Gordon Murray Automotive T.50 is about $3.7 million.

3- Koenigsegg Jesko . car

And the Koenigsegg Jesko car comes in third place in the list of the most expensive in 2021, and it is characterized by having a 1603-strong engine, and its price is close to $ 2.8 million.

4- Mercedes AMG One

Given that the Mercedes car is one of the most favorite cars for many, Mercedes was keen to produce the AMG One, a model that features a turbocharged V6 engine, and the price of that car reaches a value of nearly $2.6 million.

And that's how we are coming to the end of the article. I hope I don't bore you

I hope you have cars like this


Thank you





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