Make money by publishing books on Amazon Kindle Direct Publishing

Make money by publishing books on Amazon


Amazon Kindle Direct Publishing




Earning money from the comfort of your own home is the dream of many people. In the age of online shopping and seemingly limitless Internet access, there are countless ways to turn this wish into reality.



However, it is essential to follow business models that are serious, lucrative and long-term.



Earning money with Amazon Kindle Direct Publishing or KDP for short is one of the possibilities.




The platform offers budding authors everything they need to sell their own book on the largest online marketplace, because with Kindle Direct Publishing, Amazon offers a free, globally known platform, a free author profile, a high number of visitors and high royalties of up to 70 percent .




Make money by publishing books on  Amazon Kindle Direct Publishing
Make money by publishing books on Amazon Kindle Direct Publishing



Self-publishing under your own responsibility


Amazon Kindle Direct Publishing is also known as "Self Publishing" and simply means "self-publishing". This also explains the concept behind the Amazon platform, because theoretically, thanks to Kindle Direct Publishing, a hobby writer no longer needs a publisher and can become his own publisher.



This means that you can write eBooks and books yourself or have them written and then publish them yourself.



This has the advantage that prospective authors are not tied to a publisher and can make changes at any time.



However, this also increases the degree of personal responsibility, because the author is responsible for creating the book, the cover, pricing, marketing, etc.



Make money with Amazon KDP

Several reports from users prove that you can earn a lot of money with Amazon KDP. They report that sales in the five-digit range are possible after just a few weeks - and that monthly.



Especially in the USA there are authors or self-publishers who earn more than 10,000 euros per month. This is then mainly possible in the fiction area, i.e. novels, crime

Calculate the price

Authors who have written a book and are now toying with the idea of ​​marketing it must first consider a price.




However, this can also be calculated. So it is first important to set a minimum price so that there is no loss when selling the eBook or paperback. The price for an eBook can be set differently.



The eBook can be offered for 0.99 - 215.00 euros with a 30 percent fee share or for 2.99 to 9.99 euros with a 70 percent fee share. Because with the eBook, with the 30 percent fee, there are no "shipping costs" for the eBook. With the 70 percent variant, however, it is.



This only means the storage space, but this means that the larger the eBook, the higher the costs

thrillers. But you can also generate very good sales with guidebooks and non-fiction books.



Make money by publishing books on  Amazon Kindle Direct Publishing
Make money by publishing books on Amazon Kindle Direct Publishing



Printing costs for a paperback

There are many different factors that come into play when it comes to the price of the paperback, because the cost of printing a paperback alone is calculated using a number of factors.



The prices are based on the number of pages and the selected printing color. A book with up to 40 pages in color costs a total of 2.40 euros. From 42 pages, the printout costs EUR 0.60 per book and EUR 0.06 per page.



For black and white printing up to 108 pages, the printing costs are EUR 1.90 per book. From 110 pages then 0.60 euros per book and 0.012 euros per page.

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