Profit from the best site shortening links getsurl

GetSurl links shortcut site


There are many who want to make money online by shortening links.


Profit from the best site shortening links getsurl .
Profit from the best site shortening links getsurl 








And he does not know the right way to profit or does not know the honest sites that pay you your profits when you reach the minimum withdrawal request.


Explanation of the profit from the site shortening links getsurl



In this article, we will present to you the best short links shortlinks sites that are very honest and profitable, and you can profit from it easily.


Question: So what is the name of the site that is honest in payment? USD short shortcut links.

The name of the site gets url , (usd short shortcut links).


What is getsurl site



It is a site to profit from shortening links, whether as an article link, a video link, a site, or a download.

It is a site that gives you money in exchange for the visitor skipping the short link until he gets the target link in the end.


Then you win from these visitors for the short link each according to the CPM of the country.


Explanation of the short links getsurl shortening site


GETS URL is a link shortening site that offers you a profit service by shortening links and by your referral link.


It offers you profits from 2 to 20 dollars per 1000 clicks per visit, depending on each country.


European countries are more expensive than Arab countries in terms of price per click, and the way to use it is very easy, all you have to subscribe to the site from the link below.


Explain how to subscribe to the getsurl site



You will enter the subscription link on the site to enter click here.


Then type your username and password, reset the password, then write your email, then skip I am not a robot and you will log in successfully.


Explain how to shorten links in the getsurl site


The method is easy, copy the link you want to shorten.

Then go to the getsurl site.

Home you will find shorten a link .

Place it in the rectangle under the word shorten a link.

By clicking on shorten and it will give you a short link.

You can copy it and publish it on social media or in a blogger blog to profit from it.


Explain how to profit from the referral link to the getsurl site


At the top right of the main page you will find referral system.

Access it and it will give you your link in Your Referral Link.

I will copy and publish it, and for everyone who registers on the site and uses the site to work, you will earn a percentage of his profits.


Explain the payment methods on the getsurl site



Right-hand of the home page, enter My Account.


Then click on Add New Paiment Method and  then choose the payment method you want 


  • Like PayPal PayPal  
  • Bitcoin Wallet
  • Pioneer
  • Western Union
  • Vodafone Cash
  • Algeria Post CCP 
  • Egypt Post.

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