There may be a Windows 12 release in 2024, claims a report

There may be a Windows 12 release in 2024, claims a report



There may be a Windows 12 release in 2024, claims a report
There may be a Windows 12 release in 2024, claims a report



A reportport b asserts that Windows Twelve will also be released in 2024.


Windows Central's Zac Bowden recently reported that Microsoft appears to be getting ready to alter the release cadence for all new versions of Windows.


Because Microsoft appears to be reverting to the previous schedule of cathartic major new Windows versions every three years roughly, we may even see Windows Twelve in 2024.

According to the report, Microsoft can delay releasing Windows 12 until 2024, three years after the initial release of Windows 11, ostensibly canceling next year's significant update (known as Sun depression 3).

(I believe Windows 12).


However, Windows 11 users won't be left without fresh options to try out in the interim.



Following each major Windows release, Microsoft releases new options that are cathartic for current Windows 11 users. As a result, some of the options that Insiders get to test out are available to everyone.


The report claims that these feature drops can occur up to four times per year, every few months.


We frequently overlook the fact that Microsoft earlier this year added weather information to the taskbar.


These new options, referred to as "Moments," are made available to users of Windows 11 version 22H2 in this way.

This creates a number of the options that were planned for the significant update for the following year.


It is clear that Microsoft need not always be forced to release essential Windows updates.

as to modify fresh options.


For instance, the Windows scheme for robots, which became available a few months after Windows 11 was released, is essentially just an OS app that you can install.


However, this new unleash cadence may make every refashion of Windows more exciting because each unleash takes longer to include new features and realize and fix bugs before going live.

However, this is a significant deviation from the direction Microsoft has been heading in recent years.


Since the release of Windows 10 in 2015, we've typically seen two significant new releases each year, and with Windows 11, Microsoft is confident in releasing a significant redesign every year.


Of course, this is a quick amendment.

since only a year has passed since then.


However, since Microsoft hasn't yet made this change officially, internal plans could still be modified.

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