TikTok reveals new methods for removing mature or "possibly problematic" videos

TikTok reveals new methods for removing mature or "possibly problematic" videos





TikTok reveals new methods for removing mature or "possibly problematic" videos
TikTok reveals new methods for removing mature or "possibly problematic" videos




New techniques for removing mature or "possibly problematic" videos are made public by TikTok.


TikTok on Wed unveiled a number of updates aimed at assisting users in customizing their viewing preferences and filtering out content that will be problematic or too mature for young users, amid a resurgence in interest in the potential risks social media might create for teenagers.

The short-form video app's viewing interface is dynamic, so users can currently view fewer videos about subjects that "may be fine as one video but probably problematic if viewed repeatedly," according to Cormac Keenan, head of trust and safety at the corporation.


Keenan used the examples of extreme fitness, unhappiness, and diet as examples of this type of content.


(TikTok rival Instagram previously attempted to prevent weight loss

preventing teen viewing of merchandise.)

A watchdog organization needs TikTok to be removed from app stores.


Here is the response of an executive director.

A watchdog organization needs TikTok to be removed from app stores.


However, an executive director has responded here.

Additionally, TikTok announced that it is launching a polished system that categorizes content according to thematic maturity, very similar to the rating systems used in movies and television.


The new safeguards assign a "maturity score" to videos that are thought to possibly contain mature or complex themes.


The goal, according to Keenan, is to "help prevent content with overtly mature themes from reaching audiences between the ages of thirteen and seventeen."

Once a Facebook informant rekindled concerns about late last year

social media platforms' effects on their youngest users

Senators questioned TikTok, YouTube, and Snap executives about the precautions being taken by their platforms to protect young people online.

Moreover, the response of an executive director

A watchdog organization needs TikTok to be removed from app stores.


Here is a joint investigation into TikTok's impact on American youth that a group of state attorneys general began earlier this year.


In a statement at the time, TikTok said that it limits its options by age, provides people with tools and resources, and develops its policies with the welfare of children in mind.

Keenen stated that the company is "focused on additional safeguarding the teenager experience" in a diary post that was made

public on Wednesday.

a new feature that will offer numerous precise content filtering options.


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